Rumi’s Quote on knocking from the inside

I have lived on the lip
of insanity, wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door. It opens.
I’ve been knocking from the inside.

This is one of the most profound quotes by Rumi that I have come across.

So powerful and relevant for someone like us living in the 21st century.

Lets explore, understand and discuss this beautiful quote..

Like any wisdom, it can be understood, interpreted and used in multiple ways – please feel free to join the discussion below this page if you feel like. Am keen to know any other perspectives or thoughts that this quote influenced your life too.

The quote suggests we all need to look inside for answers. We may have been endlessly searching outside for all the solutions, answers and seeking. But eventually when got the answers, it was from inside of you.

We are all knocking from the inside. What do you think?


  1. Sam

    Such a powerful quote. So deep deep in its meaning.

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