Travel is one of the most liberating and humbling experience. But have you also considered or thought of travel (short or long) as a great teacher? Or have you considered a deep meaning about “to travel” – below are some deep quotes by Rumi the wise poet. Some of the best and favourite quotes by Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī. Enjoy!

Travel brings power and love back into your life.

When you start to walk on the way, the way appears.

Don’t go back to sleep. The journey has already begun.

Try not to resist the changes; they are the path to new destinations.

Travel beyond ideas of right and wrong—there lies a field, and I’ll meet you there.

As you set out on the journey, do not be afraid of what you will find.

Don’t be satisfied with stories of how things have gone. Unfold your own adventure.

Let yourself become living poetry, and every step will be a verse.

Walk, and your feet will know the way.

Every journey brings new beginnings and unseen treasures.

With each step, a new horizon opens before you.

When the soul travels, even the unknown becomes familiar.

Move, but don’t move the way fear makes you move.

On your path, each challenge is a doorway to growth.

Travel light; leave behind your fears and doubts.

Wherever you go, leave a bit of your heart behind.

Every road you walk is part of the larger journey back to yourself.

Don’t seek the destination; enjoy the unfolding of the way.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you—set out and listen.

On the journey, every stop teaches something your soul needs to know.

Whoever travels without a guide needs two hundred years for a two-days journey

My birthplace is placelessness